I love growing things in the garden. The tangy smell of sage and basil, the heaviness of a warm tomato on the vine, the resistance of the tender earth as you shimmy a carrot out of its place in the row.

Unfortunately, I suck at gardening. So I get a CSA box or I go to the grocery store.
I do, however, love creating a recipe out of whatever is seasonal and local and tasty. I am much better at this part of the food circle of life.
This week's blog is a bit of a cheater.
I am simply sharing a video with you for a fresh summer salad.
All ingredients can be found in the CSA box at Pickalittle Farms. Of course, you can use ingredients from anywhere- your backyard, your mom's backyard, your grandma's backyard, or Walmart.
Regardless, here is the recipe:
Fourth of July Heirloom Corn and Basil Salad
5 ears fresh corn
3 large bunches green onion
1 large bunch basil
1 large heirloom tomato
1 cup honeydew, canteloupe, or similar melon
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
2 tsp freshly ground salt
1 tsp freshly ground pepper
It was delicious and will go well at any barbeque. Or anywhere, really. Sara ate it for breakfast.
Happy of July and may God bless America!