Always one for weird and exciting dietary changes, I’ve been exploring the Blood Type Diet. I’ve been taking a class on the #metabolic processes of the body- how fats affect the cells, how specific nutrients will either build up or tear down the #body, how #digestion affects everything, and how the pH of the body can tell us a ton about what is going on deep inside the #cells.

The Blood Typing Diet was continually brought up by the #teacher of this class, so I decided to check it out. Of course, I had read the OG Blood Typing Diet book 15 years ago (before I knew you could study #nutrition as #science and not just the latest diet book!) I took it in and gave it a cursory try and moved on, I’m sure, to the next diet book on the shelf.
Anyone else?
But this time, I’m deep into both study and practice of nutrition and found the notions put forth in the book to be even more intriguing.
The author, naturopathic physician Peter D’Adamo, carries forth his father’s #research on different foods having different effects on the four distinct blood types: O, A, B, and AB.
In order to give you a break from my long and complicated #blog posts (at least, that is what Beau tells me!), I've made a quick blood type diet slide show:
What foods should you eat for your blood type?
Remember, if you don't know your blood type, you can test it here.
I don't have a ton of research to back up my readings, because there isn't a lot. This is a bit more fringe-y. If you like it, and want to try it for yourself, feel free. My lists are not comprehensive, but simply an introduction into the world of the Blood Typing Diet.
Essentially, it breaks down to this:
Type O: original hunter-gatherers who do poorly on newer, #processed, agrarian foods. Stick to #meat and most #veggies. Some #fruit.
Type A: original agrarians who do well with a vegetable-heavy diet. Some #grains and beans ok. #Fish, chicken, and #dairy good for protein sources.
Type B: newer blood type who looks similar to an O but has a hard time processing the lectins found in chicken. Meats and most veggies fine, prone to #autoimmune disease.
I will say that it is an interesting correlation that this FDN-P is a Type O. And my food sensitivity test shows that I myself am #reactive to many of the things that a typical Type O is #intolerant to, like:
Without a previous correlation between the Blood Type Diet and the MRT test, I have to say that I was plumb amazed when I started looking at the data for yours truly. It makes me think that the MRT could be an unnecessary $335 expense if one simply knows one's blood type.
Check out the book for more information here:
What is your #blood type? See any similarities or differences in the foods presented and your own #ideal diet?